Flexeole Completes First Funding Round

In partnership with Ayomi, PHGD affiliate Flexeole has closed its first crowdfunding round, raising 31.600 of new equity on a pre-money valuation of 1 million euros.

Flexeole Showcased on

On 28 June 2021, Flexeole appeared on the business news website to inform readers about the history of the project, its technological advantages and its development prospects.

Gaming and Philanthropy : A New Strategic Partnership for PHGD

PHGD is very happy to announce the signature of an agreement with Brain to Gain to support the development of innovative links between online gaming and philanthropy. The two companies will work together in 2021 to set up a technical and economic model, and the necessary partnerships, to enable Brain To Gain’s players to make their brain cells …

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PHGD Incorporates Wind Energy Affiliate Flexeole

In partnership with inventor Jean-Luc Thivolle, PHGD has incorporated Flexeole to develop and distribute the innovative small-scale wind energy concept, using helicopter technology to improve the efficiency and reduce the intermittency of production.

Promoting the Earth Pass to the investment migration community

The Investment Migration Yearbook 2020/2021 has given visibility to Hagrath’s Earth Pass concept, which is designed to realign private financial flows with Earth regeneration by redirecting investment migration. It thus responds to a well-recognized problem that is likely to become even worse in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. In their interview, Philippe Forêt and John Crowley discuss the idea and explain …

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“Recommendations for Managing Weak Signals” ‒ White Paper Published

Prepared by a working group of the “Club de Paris des Directeurs de l’Innovation”, of which John Crowley was a member, the White Paper reviews current thinking and practices on weak signals and makes proposals for improved management in a range of sectors. The seven key recommendations of the White Paper are: 1. Be attentive …

“Recommendations for Managing Weak Signals” ‒ White Paper Published Read More »

PHGD Incorporates Consulting and Training Affiliate Hagrað

The PHGD Group’s portfolio has expanded with the incorporation of Hagrað, a Paris-based company working to develop and apply transformative practices to support Earth regeneration. Hagrað − spelled Hagrath when special characters are unavailable – offers consulting and training services for public authorities and corporations, everywhere in the world. PHGD has a one-third equity stake …

PHGD Incorporates Consulting and Training Affiliate Hagrað Read More »