Developing Ideas

Transforming practices

Implementing Solutions

The PHGD Group Mission

PHGD is an ideas-driven business. It’s also a solutions-oriented group of companies with a broad range of consulting expertise across all areas of contemporary transformations as well as hands-on technical expertise across the renewable energy field.

No contradiction!

PHGD’s mission is to enhance understanding of complex systems and to offer practical solutions to enable customers and partners to produce better and consume less.

Committing to sustainability, in its various dimensions, is one thing. Knowing how to achieve it is something else again.

PHGD offers ideas, anchored in cutting-edge science, with a particular emphasis on the social and human sciences. Making sense of how culture, environment and technology relate to one another is, ultimately, to reflect on what it is to be human in a world such as ours. That's a philosophical horizon - but it's also a very practial challenge.

That's why PHGD supports transforming practices, helping clients to assess their starting points, to define relevant responses and to explore options for change - including technological possibilities. At the core of our expertise are the production and consumption practices that environmental transformation depends on. Within the PHGD Group, Hagrath and Catharsis are developing concepts and methods for transformative practices, while TrustInside specializes in trust-assessment and trust-building tools.

And PHD provides solutions in all its action areas. For instance, for decentralized electricity production, with a special focus on reinventing small-scale wind through the Flexeole project.

On the projectspage, you can find details on what we're actually doing in all these areas.

The Group


Elaborer et déployer des services de conseil stratégique, de formation et d’ingénierie académique, s’appuyant sur les pratiques transformatrices, afin de faire de la paix avec la Terre.

Flexeole logo français carré

Développer et commercialiser une technologie innovante d’éoliennes de petite taille (50-150 kW) fondée sur une conception de pale brevetée et un concept d’usage sur site.



Production d’idées, plaidoyer, formation et services d’ingénierie académique pour faire la paix avec la Terre sur le fondement de pratiques transformatrices.

logo TrustInside

Services de conseil, de formation et d’accompagnement stratégique fondés sur des outils de confiance protégés en direction de clients publics et privés en Europe et en Afrique.

Ki-Tech logo

Développement commercial et technologique d’un concept de rupture dans la génération magnétique d’électricité, principalement pour la production industrielle sur site à l’échelle 1-10 MW.

Conseil en solutions énergétiques solaires et développement commercial et technologique de concepts solaires plug & play innovants.

Associer smart contracts, investissement distribué multiacteurs et systèmes d’information innovants pour transformer les métriques et les pratiques de l’impact.


John Crowley is Chairman & CEO of the PHGD Group.

. He is also Chairman of Flexeole project, of Hagrath and of Catharsis and Associate Director of TrustInside.

John cofounded the PHGD Group in 2021 to bring together a portfolio of interests in transformation consulting and sustainable energy.

With 18 years high-level international experience in the UN system, and previous careers in oil & gas and in academic research, John combines the vision to generate new ideas with the business skills to make them work in practice.

Jean-Luc Thivolle est cofondateur et Directeur technique de Flexeole project.

Compagnon du tour de France, il est formé aux techniques du travail de l’acier, de la manutention et de la soudure. Passionné de voilure tournante, il intègre ses connaissances en aérodynamique du rotor dans le projet. Il est le concepteur de la technologie brevetée des pales des éoliennes Flexeole.

Patrick Degeorges is cofounder and Associate Director of Hagrath.

He also cofounded Catharsis.

Patrick is a special advisor on sustainability to the Commissariat
-General for Strategy and Foresight in Paris and an associate researcher at the Michel Serres Institute in Lyon, Patrick spent 10 years in charge of biodiversity and climate policy innovation in the French Environment Ministry. He currently designs new ecological accounting frameworks and mapping tools to connect sustainable forms of governance with innovative business models for natural capital management activities.

Stéphane Toussaint est associé et responsable ingénierie de Flexeole project.

Ingénieur INSA Lyon – Génie Productique, il a 20 ans d’expérience dans l’industrie (construction, machines et équipements) dans différents métiers des services techniques et de la supply chain. Stéphane est également chef de projet 6 sigma black belt certifier.